How to Tell if We’re in a Flirty Relationship: 6 Subtle Ways to Find Out

Wondering if someone likes you can be a real rollercoaster, especially when you’re trying to understand flirty behavior during those uncertain times. It’s easy to overthink every little gesture or comment, worrying that you might be reading too much into things.

So, how can you tell if you’re in a flirty phase? What are the key behaviors and signs to look out for? And how can you really know where you stand? Here’s a guide to help you navigate those confusing moments and figure out if it’s more than just friendly banter.

What Are the Signs of Flirty Behavior in Guys?

What Are the Signs of Flirty Behavior in Guys?
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When a guy likes you, he often sneaks glances your way, keeps tabs on you, and pays extra attention to you. Even if he’s talking to someone else, he might amplify his voice, words, and actions to catch your attention. If he’s interested in taking things further, he’ll drop hints and suggest he wants to be more than just friends whenever he gets the chance.

What Are the Signs of Flirty Behavior in Girls?

What Are the Signs of Flirty Behavior in Girls?
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When a girl likes you, she’ll open up to you about her personal feelings, including her vulnerabilities. This is her way of showing trust and seeking your concern while getting to know you better. If she makes casual physical contact, like touching your shoulder or arm, and doesn’t pull away when you accidentally touch her, it’s a sign she’s into you.

How to Confirm Your Relationship Status: Testing the Waters

How to Confirm Your Relationship Status: Testing the Waters
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Navigating the flirty phase can be both sweet and confusing. If you’re eager to clarify where you stand, try these approaches to test the waters and understand their feelings better:

  • Use a Reason for Feeling Unwell: Gauge their reaction when you mention not feeling well.
  • Close the Distance: See how they respond to you closing the physical gap between you.
  • Ask About Their Willingness to Hug: This can reveal how comfortable they are with physical closeness.
  • Introduce Them to Friends: Notice if they’re open to meeting your social circle.

How Long Should You Wait During the Flirty Phase? How to End It

How Long Should You Wait During the Flirty Phase? How to End It
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There’s no set timeline for the flirty phase—everyone’s limit is different. If your crush provides enough reassurance and shows genuine affection, it might be time to move forward. However, if you’ve been in this phase for a while without progress and it’s hard to move on, consider these steps:

  • Be Direct About Your Feelings: Sometimes a straightforward approach is the best.
  • Distance Yourself: Shift your focus away from them to gain clarity.
  • Observe Actions Over Words: Pay attention to what they actually do rather than what they say.
  • Assess if You’re a Backup Option: Reflect on whether you’re being treated as a second choice.

Optimized Conclusion: Flirty Behavior: Navigating the Sweet Yet Troublesome Phase

Flirty behavior can be both exciting and challenging, helping us determine if someone is truly right for us. If you find that your flirty interest isn’t fully invested, it’s important to move on and not dwell on past experiences. The reality can be tough, but letting go allows you to make room for someone better. Conversely, if your flirty crush offers you genuine security and happiness, seize the opportunity and don’t let it slip away!

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